LISTENER COMMENTS-received from listeners
"You play the violin like an 800 year old man. You are doing what you were born to do."
"Very beautiful, ready to fly above all obstacles. Breaking all chains and rules to soar high above any limits. no more restrictions, enlightened like never before. Feeling as a limitless being-Thank you for such beautiful inspiration."
"Exquisite playing! So transported. I forgot how hot the weather was. Truly superb!"
"It was an immense pleasure to hear you play! It was a most memorable and meaningful performance. Truly-bravo. Gorgeous performance. Thank you!"
" I am a very logical person, but I lost all sense of time and space listening to you"
"I am not a religious person, but I felt I was transported to another realm, to an ideal, perfect place when I listened to you"
"I feel that words can't possibly express how impressed and in awe I am of your playing. As I listened to you, I tried to think of words that might describe your amazing tone but I could not quite capture it. Thank you so much for your playing-I don't remember a more joyous two hours. " "Truly one of the most amazing violinists anywhere . No words are even able to describe his playing." "It was truly one of the most astounding musical experiences that I have had in a very long time" "I heard Issac stern in 1950, and your performance and that were the two best violin performances I have ever heard." "I was just so emotionally overcome when you started to play. That sound, that musicianship, those colors, nuances, shaping of every note. Velvet? Chocolate - milky but not too sweet. The softness of rose petals just open and a slight pastel tinge. An enveloping warmth. Thrills. To sustain that degree of excellence through all of Brahms - almost inhuman. You're truly a GIFT.There should have been a thousand music-loving people there - and they would have left there exhausted, sated, knowing they wouldn't hear anything like that again - or certainly not in a very long time - if they're lucky to ever experience that again." "Absolutely the best recital I’ve ever been to Victor. Your Creativity for each phrase and nuance is an inspiration. " "Virtuosity totally in the service of heartfelt expressivity, and to be specific, a completely inward feeling successfully projected outwards. Extremely elegant and moving artistry. Superb." "I cannot thank you enough for the experience that I had last night. Victor's 'music' was over the top...very few violinists on our planet can achieve his level of musicality with such a high sense of challenge and love. Musical genius and Victor go hand in hand. His music went right into my blood, and I am not kidding about that. The concert was very special to me and to all who attended and 'listened.' " "I fell in love with the woman you painted in the Brahms." "impossible virtuosity" "Such a fabulous performer, musician." THE BOSTON GLOBE THE CIVIC SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA OF BOSTON Max Hobart, Music Director and Conductor At Jordan Hall, Sunday afternoon Virtuoso work from Civic, violinist By Michael Manning Boston Globe Correspondent The first time I heard violinist Victor Romanul play was during a recording session with the Boston Conservatory Chamber Players, of which he's a member. Even among his estimable peers, he struck me as belonging to an even higher league. Sunday afternoon in Jordan Hall, assisted by Max Hobart and the Civic Symphony Orchestra of Boston, that initial impression was fortified by one of the stellar performances of this young season. Romanul is an extraordinarily musical player, which really means two things: that the sum of his skills are always used to serve the music, in this case Saint Saens’s Third Violin Concerto; and that the effect is so beautiful as to beggar words other than the nebulous, "musical" reserved for such occasions. He has technical resources to burn, but never indulges in grandstanding, and although the Saint-Saens is a virtuoso’s piece, difficulty was the furthest thing from this listeners consciousness. The opening of the concerto is in the alto register, and Romanul's sound was luscious. The passage work was clean, even, in tune, and seemed effortless. When it came to Romantic line, as it often does in this piece, Romanul spun long, seamless phrases with even tone and subtle dynamic gradation.
Listeners - Comments from listeners.